Join Me Live at The Forex & Options Expo

You’re invited to attend The Forex & Options Expo, September 13-15, 2012 at the Paris Las Vegas Hotel & Casino. Take control of your buying and selling strategies and learn to profit from current challenging market conditions. A commitment to learning successful strategies and having the tools to complete those strategies make the difference in today’s market. Attend The Forex & Options Expo FREE to receive market insight from top forex and options experts and be sure to join me for the following presentation:

Beyond the Buy-Write: Option Strategies of the Pros
Saturday, September 15 • 8:15 am – 9:00 am
Join this panel of CNBC contributors, Michael Khouw, Scott Nations, and Brian Stutland, as they dissect current options trading techniques. Get an empirical look at the performance of common options strategies including buy-writes, put writes, and collars. These top industry experts will give you a look under the cover and reveal some of the fundamental drivers of asset volatility and whether volatility assumptions for single-stocks (and other assets) are correctly priced for leveraged, directional bets. Learn some tricks to simplify volatility, so you can calculate the complex concepts of volatility on the value of an option or how to turn volatility into an option price on the back of a cocktail napkin (or at least with little more than a simple pocket calculator). Success in options is essentially a simple math game. There are certain phenomena in the option world that are robust, meaning they always exist, that a trader can take advantage of. Relative erosion in option prices by time to expiration is one example. Skew is another. Whether you are a beginner or veteran options trader, these top trading pros with years of trading experience show you how they use these things to make money in the options world. You don’t want to miss it!

Click here to register or call 800/970-4355 and be sure to mention priority code 028383.

I look forward to meeting you in Las Vegas.

Brian Stutland