

An attractive opportunity for individual investors, the investment objective is to seek total return on investment, with dividend income an important component of that return allowing investors to access an options based strategy with moderate conservative investors in mind.

The Rational Equity Armor Fund aims to provide investors with steady returns while managing risk.

The Rational Equity Armor Fund aims to provide investors with steady returns while managing risk. It primarily invests in dividend-paying companies within the S&P 500, focusing on those that are less sensitive to economic fluctuations. To further protect against market downturns, the fund incorporates a volatility hedge. This means it uses financial instruments to offset potential losses when the market becomes more unpredictable. By combining these strategies, the fund seeks to deliver consistent returns over time.

Essentially, this fund is designed for investors who want to participate in the stock market but are concerned about excessive volatility. It attempts to balance the potential for growth with a focus on protecting your investment.

Investors can save time and effort by replacing their balanced strategy approach of stocks and fixed income exposure and instead use the Rational Equity Armor, a strategy that offers diversified exposure, simplifies investment decisions, and potentially outperforms traditional approaches during market volatility.

For further information, please go to the following Rational Funds site at https://rationalmf.com/funds/rational-equity-armor-fund/

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